jueves, 17 de octubre de 2019

Summer plans

I'm not the kind of person who plans my vacations in advance, but if I start to think, the most probable place I would visit would be El Quisco, which is located in the five region of Valparaiso. I would be there because my family have a beach house that was built around six years ago. But if you ask me what place I would like to go in summer, if I have the money and have a good knowledge of the language, I would love to go Japan. With that said, if we think in realistic way, I will like to go to La Serena because of its beautiful beaches and views.

Throughout my life, I always go on vacation with my family, and due to that I don't have much liberty to do a lot of things. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not used to drink or to go places in the night, but my parents are so lazy to go out and discover new things about the city where we are staying. They are the type of people who like to remain in their vacation house. I would love to have the oportunity to go on vacation with my friends and going out to a lot of fun places, such as arcade, the beach and visit museum or tourist attractions.

I have planned to work in summer in a part time job. The last year, I worked in a cinema, although the salary was not good, it have a good laboral environment.

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2019

My bucket list

Before I die, I would like to do a lot of things. For instance, I wish I could finish what I´m studiying, which currently has been boring me because of the lack of freedom to write about the topics I would like to develop in journalism. Also I would love to go abroad to Japan and England. Because I like their pop culture and football. Going back to journalism, is my dream to create a web page which addresses anime, japanese music and videogames.With the objetive to dethrone the site web "Tarreo" and as a result, archieve to be the most readed page about these topics in latinomerica.

I can also add thanks to the way my parents raise me, they inculcated me the goal of entering to a university, because they think that when I meet that objetive, I could live without money worries.

I think the most dificult to acomplish are the travel to Japan because I need a minimum of four millions to go for one month at least, without counting the cost of the things that I want to buy there. In second place, I believe that I would get my degree in journalism, because the increasing dificulty that I experienced throughout the time.

I have only archieved one, that is entering to the university, although for me, is not a great thing. Because nowadays is becoming more easy to join to high education.

I would like to go abroad with my friends, it will be boring to go to Japan or England alone.

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2019

Post 6 Postgraduate Studies

As I said in my pevious post, I would like to take courses about languages and web design. I choose it because that knowledge will open to me a lot of opportunities in my future being a profesional. Besides, it will me make more independent than other journalist. With all the previously said, in the future, I want to create a web page about anime, manga, and music with a good looking web design.

In addition of design web and languages courses, I would like to study about video editing, since it will give me the tools to create a good youtube channel, and in that way, complement all the other courses  that I learnt.

I prefer to study these courses in my country, because it gives me the security to stay with my friends and my family. I would like to face the language barrier when I have a previous knowledge. It would not be comfortable to go abroad without knowing their language.

About how I would like to study, depending of each case, would be e-learning and presential class. For the web design and video editing, I would prefer to do it in my house with my own computer because it's more comfortable to use those software. With the language learning it must be face to face, since in my case, I  learn better with a native teacher of the language.