jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2019

My future job

In the future, I would like to work in technological journalism and writting about movies or anime. I imagine doing reviews about phones, personal computers and something like that. I enjoy the idea that I can use smartphones or notebooks before it goes on sale. On the other hand, I would love to get paid for talking about my hobbies, or doing analysis about tv shows.

I think the job would be indoors, whether in my house or an office. I would like to move in my job just to do interviews or to obtain news, in that way I will save money for traveling. Although my dream is to do my work only in my house so I can have more time to do my personal things.

About the salary, I would love to earn more than one million pesos to live calmly without the preocupation to have enough money to pay the rent. But if we think in real terms, I would settle with five hundred thousand pesos.

When I finished studiying journalism, I would like to take languages courses such as english and japanese. I want to do that because I can apply that knowledge in my dream job. Also, I want to learn about video edition to improve my works.

2 comentarios:

  1. sounds funny! I would also like to work writting about movies, even though I didn't put it in my post hehehe

  2. Is good to mix technology with your job in modern times, I guess
